As with this weeks previous video, you now have established the consistency to consider maintenance after the client has achieved a few milestones during their healing and observation phase.
When the following items have been achieved and maintained properly, then and only then is your client potentially ready for a maintenance plan. Always remember that during anaphase of the relationship with your client it’s OK to do a couple of things.
✅ should your client start showing some debility concerns, move them back to a one or two week visit schedule just for one visit to reestablish areas of their program that might have fallen off a little bit.
✅ I understand how due to distance traveled by the client, finances, job commitments, family commitments, etc. there are times when clients need to be seen at a different frequency. This is OK as long as you explain clearly to the client future gains may take longer. If they’re OK with this and understand it, you’re willing to proceed.
✅ We start our maintenance programs at a visit frequency of every three or four weeks. Once they’ve maintained stability at this pace, for three visits in a row, we then look to graduate them again.
✅ Graduation means we decide mutually as to a visit every four or six weeks.
The importance to remember about a maintenance plan is the compliance of the client is predicated on a few specific things.
👉🏻 First they are being seen often enough to maintain their improvements.
👉🏻 Next, they are stable, happy, compliant, improving, well educated and all of their questions are answered in a timely manner.
We continue on this process for the first six months to a year until they have actually achieved a full maintenance plan.
Our max maintenance program offered to all of our clients is to be seen once every 12 weeks.
BONUS: we see the client for a complementary visit on their annual and birthday visits with our office. They love it :-)