Now that you finished up your evaluation, and giving them your card with personal contact information and written on it. It’s time to transition into completing the program of care visit, completing the disclosures for the file and getting them properly set up on following their program.
✅ If no more questions, turn over to the front office. They will take great care of you from here.
Most practitioners do not have Front Office handling this next step so it’s very easy for you to transition into this by saying to your client, OK now that we’ve wrapped up your program of care visit let’s fulfill the next steps to getting you started on your program.
In the mind of your client were transitioning out of the evaluation phase and moving them into the execution phase.
The following list of documents we have provided in the flash drive for your consideration so that you can model and execute on great out take procedures and position your clients to thrive.
✅ Permission to Contact Form
✅ How your office handles medications, insurance claims, wellness records and possible interns.
✅ Copy of the Good Foods List
✅ First six weeks blank food logs
✅ Instruction Sheet on how to properly fill out the food logs.
✅ Program Guidelines
✅ Some additional business cards to hand out to family and friends.
All of this we keep in a very convenient and very affordable binder with card slot located in the front.