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🧐 May Seem Like a Lost Art!

In our office when a client who wants to be seen by us for the first time contacts us, we always find out who referred them.

We do this because the person, kind enough to refer us more clients, will experience the following.

✅ The front office sends them a thank you card, the postcard we use is in the flash drive, The day the person calls our office.

✅ When the person attends the orientation class and agrees to be seen, we contact the referring party again and let them know that they have a service coupon in their file.

✅ Service coupons go in denominations from $5, $10, $15, $20 and then finally $25.

✅ Once a client has referred five clients to our office, they’re standing coupon value is $25 per referral every time after. We do this in a way that rewards the client for helping us advance our business.

As we all know people in this industry and people who seek us out for help tend to be kind, giving and compassionate types of people. They truly want help and are willing to help others.

So show them you appreciate them for putting forth effort to help you advance your practice. you can come up with some of your own creative ways of doing this. Just make sure it’s reasonable, fair and heartfelt.

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Oct 15, 2022

Love the service coupon!

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