Now that the founding members have started to receive their refined manual and flash drive. We can really dive into explaining and exploring the resources that must be present in order to perform an excellent initial consultation.
When are the biggest challenges faced by natural health practitioners is they do not present themselves as professionals. Yes, we know our modality, we can share with them about nutrition and herbs, coach them on diet and lifestyle. However, there is much more to developing a sustainable and thriving natural wellness practice.
In regards to the initial intake and evaluation, it’s very rare that clients actually fill out their forms in my office these days. 99% of them take the paperwork home the night after their orientation class. But in the event you have a client fill the forms out in your office, consider the following flow of forms to be a great indicator of how well this client is in terms of a great match for you.
👉🏻 Give them One form at a time to complete and return to you!!
You heard it right, please consider not handing your new client a stack of forms to complete and turn in. Hand them one at a time with a clipboard and pin and upon completing each form have them return it to you, review for completeness and then get them the next form. In my office there’s only four of these that have to be done this way, it’s very simple and easy.
Most importantly, how the client handles being asked to complete the simple steps is an indicator of how well they will follow your recommendations. Some major red flags can appear if you’re paying attention to their demeanor and attitude about filling out simple forms.
By the way, one of the best ways to greet your potential new client on their first visit is, “ We are so excited to have you with us today, are you excited as well?
Pay attention to how they answer this question, their body language, facial expression and tone will tell you a lot. In other words the process forces you to be 100% present and attentive to your client.